#fairbylaw Petition

On April 24th 2013, the Rana Plaza factory building in Bangladesh collapsed and buried thousands of garment workers. More than 1,100 people died and many more were severely injured. Most of the workers were producing for the European textile market.
Initiatives launched by the federal government after the Rana Plaza incident have had little effect because they are mostly based on companies' voluntary commitments. A commitment that has led to companies that already do a lot of work setting themselves high targets, but other companies setting themselves much lower targets that hardly improve their production conditions. That’s not enough! German politics need to take responsibility and so must German companies for their own production conditions in developing countries.
In 2018 our founder Lisa Jaspers launched a petition on change.org for a new law, that obligates German companies to be fully liable for what happens in their value chains – we strongly believe that we can't leave it up the consumer to make sure that people on the other side of the world are not being exploited in value chains that provide us with cheap clothing. Within the shortest time, more than 113,000 people signed the petition. But despite the great resonance, there is still no law that forces companies to be fully liable for what happens during their production.
That’s why Lisa launched the second edition of the petition on April 24th, 2019. To put pressure on the German government we teamed up with many great supporters. Together we are asking the German government again to: Take responsibility! #fairbylaw
2019 supporters:
Anna Schunck (VIERTEL/VOR)
Dr. Miriam Saage-Maaß (European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V., ECCHR)
Isabelle Rogge (An Ethical Journey, dasprogramm)
Jana Braumüller (Fashion Changers)
Kübra Gümüşay (activist, writer, speaker)
Madeleine Daria Alizadeh (Daria Daria; activist, speaker)
Magdalena Schaffrin (Kaleidoscope Berlin, NEONYT)
Margarete Stokowski (writer, journalist)
Maria Ehrich (actress)
Mary Scherpe (Stil in Berlin, Feminist Food Club)
Max Gilgenmann (Kaleidoscope Berlin, NEONYT)
Melanie Jeske aka Melodie Michelberger (TRUST THE GIRLS; Michelberger PR; body image activist)
MOGLI (musician)
Nike van Dinther (This is Jane Wayne)
Nina Lorenzen (Fashion Changers)
Phoebe Nicette (Phoenomenal)
Philip Siefer (einhorn products)
Raul Krauthausen (activist)
Renate Künast (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Sarah Gottschalk (This is Jane Wayne)
Sawsan Chebli (Politikerin)
Shai Hoffmann (Social Entrepreneur & Speaker)
Sophia Hoffmann (Köchin, Autorin & Food-Aktivistin)
Victoria van Violence (influencer, radio host)
Vreni Jäckle (Fashion Changers)
Wana Limar (DJ, influencer)
Waldemar Zeiler (einhorn products)
Join us in calling on the German government to take responsibility. Because human rights must be protected by laws, no matter where. Together, we can do this!
You can sign the petition here, if you haven’t already.
And if you want to spread it in your networks, here’s our social media kit.
Special thanks to studio36 (formerly known as: das programm) for their amazing cinematic work and to our media partner Fashion Changers!
November 2019 Update
On November 27th we officially handed over Lisa's petition to the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS). More than 154,000 people had signed the petition by then.

Both here and on social media, we will keep you posted. We will not stop until there is a law.